Important Matters™
Important Facts
- 90% of seratonin is produced in the gut. Corollary: eat right!!!
- Motivation is overrated. Making a plan and taking small steps matter most.
Interesting Facts
- Before the 1940s, everyone knew where their food came from. Nowadays, nobody knows.
"The Omnivore's Dillemma [is a book about] where food comes from, which is something [that] in modern life we've lost track of. This story of where food comes from -- 75 years ago you [could not] sell a book about that because everybody knew where their food comes from; they were directly involved in the agriculture, or they knew somebody who was, or they'd been on farms..." - Michael Pollan, "How Cooking Can Change Your Life" (Youtube).
- There are no sensory nerves in the brain (or most organs, for that matter). You could have your hatch open and poke yourself and you wouldn't feel thing.
Interesting Half-Facts
- There’s an evolutionary advantage for plants to be poisonous, in order to deter critters from eating them. But there is no such advantage for animals: if an animal is being eaten, it’s already dead, unlike plants. Corollary: veggies are slighty poisonous in a way that animal products like meat and eggs aren't. Still, vegetables are extremely worth eating for their nutrients and fiber (unless you're Jordan Peterson's daughter ;)